"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong." ~ 2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Well, week 1 of camp is under our belts. I'm struggling a bit to find the words to describe those 5 days of camp. They were some of the most challenging, exhausting, frustrating, funniest, heart-warming, craziest days I think I've yet to experience. This week, I was assigned to be on the purple team (Echipă Mov!), and I was so blessed to have the most amazing group of kiddos, translators, and American volunteers on my team. The motto for camp this year is "Fii tare şi curajos!" (Be strong and courageous!), and we learned a lot about team work and training to be spiritually strong. I chased after hyper kids, dressed in ridiculous costumes to perform skits for them, held them in my lap during the talks, and gave out lots and lots of high fives and hugs.

Overall, it was a pretty solid week; however, to be completely honest, as the bus drove away and we waved goodbye to the kids on Friday, I found myself really wishing I had done some things differently. If I could rewind and redo just one thing from my first week at camp, I would have challenged myself to pursue deeper relationships with my kids. I ended up being the only leader on my team that didn't know Romanian, so I defaulted a lot to my translators and American volunteers and let them be the ones to build relationships with the kids while I kind of worked more on the logistics of keeping the team together and making sure it ran smoothly so the kids would have an amazing time. I've always been more comfortable with the behind-the-scenes leadership roles than with being the person in charge in the front, but this week, I had to be that point person and leader for my team. And quite honestly, it was exhausting, and I felt very, very inadequate for the role. It's hard and frustrating and humbling not knowing the language and having to call one of my translators over every time one of my kids attempted to talk to me, and it's difficult to lead while not really knowing what exactly was happening the majority of the time and just going with the flow (we interns jokingly/seriously said "we'll figure it out tomorrow" one too many times this past week). I've always struggled with the pressure to be perfect, and I think the pressure to lead my team well got to me, and unfortunately, I let it inhibit my ability to look past the logistics and focus on the relationships. That's not to say that I didn't have any sweet moments with my kiddos, because I do feel like I was able to connect with them pretty well (and I think they liked me too...I hope), but I wish I had pursued a deeper emotional relationship with my kids and attempted more conversation with them in spite of the awkwardness of the language barrier and the responsibilities I held as an intern. God put 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 on my heart over and over again this past week, and I learned a lot about humility and being gracious to myself. I realized that me being in that place of inadequacy was exactly where the Lord wanted me to be because it was a constant reminder for me that there was absolutely nothing I could do on my own strength to make the week a success for the kids.

BUT, thank goodness for a gracious God whose power is made perfect in weakness. As inadequate as I felt this past week, instead of dwelling on what could have been changed, I also have to remember to praise Him for the amazing work He did do at camp. When the kids acted up and became a disturbance or cussed each other out or ran away from the group, we were able to gently correct them and chase after them because in the group homes, no one cares enough to do that for them. Kids and volunteers who don't know Jesus got to hear about how much their Heavenly Father loves them, and orphans who are usually ignored were loved on and cared for by adults who really desired to serve them. There were so much laughter, so many smiles, and so many hugs this past week, and I know that even though it may seem like a majority of the kids weren't paying attention to the lessons, the word of the Lord never returns void. So I'm praying and trusting that as the kids remember the fun time they had at camp, they would also remember little nuggets of truth from those lessons and clearly see the overwhelming love that their Father has for them.

I feel like I've already grown and been stretched so much just this first week, and that makes me simultaneously excited and nervous to see what else God is going to do the rest of this summer. But I'm one week wiser now, so as we start the first day of the second week of camp tomorrow, I'm praying that I will allow myself to be weak so that my Father can give me the perfect courage and strength to love more boldly and radically.

(So I also kind of forgot to take pictures this past week because I was running around so much, but here's a couple that I managed to snap in the midst of the craziness. Once I get more pictures from other people from last week, I'll be sure to post those too!)

(Not the best quality picture, but most definitely a quality team - Echipă Mov!)

 (We became minions for a day #FTK)

(Learning to dance with pompoms)

(Sweet Malina gave the best hugs) 

(Craft time was my favorite because I didn't have to worry
about chasing kids) 

(Fii tare şi curajos!) 

(We survived Week 1!)
Two plane flights, a six-hour bus ride, and over forty-four bags later, my team and I made it safely (and very sleepily) to Casa Rene, our home for the next two months in Targu Mures, Romania. The interns get to live together in a little apartment, and I'm so incredibly excited to do life with these 12 new friends who are quickly starting to become my family. I've only been here for two days and have gotten a small glimpse of Romania so far, but I think I've already fallen in love with this beautiful country and our quaint little city.

The past ten-ish days have been a mixture of both an overload of information and work as well as lots of time to relax and hang out with my team. I've been especially thankful for the little pockets of time we get to just chill. Even though it can, admittedly, be a bit boring at times and I feel a little bit restless and anxious about just wanting to do something, I'm really trying to savor these moments and allow myself to be filled up with the Father's love and peace and strength so I can be poured out the rest of this summer. And after hearing some more about what I'll be doing for the next few weeks, I know I won't be able to do any of it without abiding in the Lord and relying solely on Him.

So what exactly will I be doing this summer? Well, after a week of orientation, I think I can finally answer that question with confidence. My wonderful little family in Romania consists of thirteen interns (including myself), and we're all divided among three different areas of focus that Fundatia LOC (the Romanian side of Livada Orphan Care) has for the summer. Two interns will be serving at the Ogra Gypsy Village and doing education and other prevention of abandonment programs in the community there while another two interns will be working at the baby hospital in Ludus and loving on and playing with the abandoned babies and toddlers. However, the majority of us (eight interns plus yours truly) will be camp counselors for the kiddos of state-run group homes. Each week we'll have around fifty kids ranging from ages 5-20 from a couple different group homes in the area participate in camp every week. As interns/camp counselors, our duties will range from leading a group of kids with Americans here for week-long mission trips and Romanian volunteers, performing ridiculous skits (one featuring me dressed up as a minion hanging from the ceiling trying to fix a light bulb), and just loving on the kids, playing with them, and ministering to their little hearts. All of these children carry heavy wounds from emotional and physical abuse, abandonment and neglect, and as a result, we'll all have to be especially attentive to the specific needs of these precious kiddos. Please pray that we'll be able to see them the way our Father sees them, and that we'll be filled to the overflowing with an extra measure of His love and grace so we can pour that out onto our kiddos and our Romanian volunteers who might not know Christ. It's going to be an incredibly difficult and exhausting summer, but I know it's also going to be one of the sweetest ever. God is going to move so radically these next couple of months, friends. It still feels so surreal being here, but my heart is so, so ready to hold these kiddos in my arms in less than a week.

Salut, Romania. I'm so stoked I get to call you home for the next two months.

(I love them)

(Peace out, America!)

(The view from my window - I don't think I'll ever get tired of this)

P.S. a couple of you have asked, but yes, you can send me letters while I'm in Romania! Here's my address:
Atentie: Mira Pogaceanu & Allyson Lim
Str. Lalelelor Nr. 1 
Sancraiu de Mures 547525 / Mures, Romania

Tomorrow marks the beginning of my physical trip to Romania, but really, the journey for me started months ago. Many closed doors, expectant/frustrated/confused/thankful prayers, and periods of waiting, waiting, and more painful waiting have all taught me to lean in closer to the Lord and patiently rely on and trust in His timing. If you were one of the people who has covered me in prayers as I slowly made my way towards Romania and/or were one of those who financially supported me to go on this trip, thank you again. You are an incredible answer to prayer, and I couldn't be more blessed to be surrounded by such an incredible group of friends who are so generous with their gifts and support.

As I prepare to step on the plane to begin the first of many flights towards Romania, the prayer that has been continually on my lips is that the Lord would break my heart for what breaks His, that I would come home absolutely wrecked for these kids and this cause again. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Allyson who is going to be coming home in August is going to be radically different than the Allyson who is typing this blog post right now, and I'm so excited/nervous for the work that my Father is going to do in my heart. I would so love your prayers as I spend the next two months living with and loving on orphans in Romania. Please pray that the Lord would make my heart tender and teachable, and that in the midst of the brokenness surrounded with working with these children, I would hang on to Hope and remember that He is holding these kiddos in His loving arms and that only He can create beauty from ashes. Please also keep my amazing team in your prayers. Pray that we would be united in the Lord's love and be used as a group to love on and serve these kiddos in a way that is infinitely greater than any of our own individual efforts. I haven't met them yet, but I can't wait to get to do life with them in Romania and for all the incredible memories we're going to share.

And this is kind of personal, but something that I'll also be very specifically praying for in Romania and would love for others to join me in prayer for is revelation and direction for my future when I get back from the trip. God has placed this cause so keenly on my heart, and I have no doubt that I am called to devote my life to being a defender of the cause of orphans. While I've had some small glimpses and ideas of what exactly that will look like in my future, I'm really praying that this trip will give me further insight and direction as to how I can best continue to use my life to serve orphans.

Friends, thank you so, so very much for joining me on this adventure. I can't wait to share with you the stories and lessons the Lord is going to teach me these next couple of months.

(photo by yours truly)

Through waters uncharted my soul will embark
I'll follow Your voice straight into the dark
And if from the course You intend
I depart
Speak to the sails of my wandering heart

Like the wind
You'll guide
Clear the skies before me 
And I'll glide this open sea

Like the stars
Your Word
Will align my voyage 
And remind me where I've been 
And where I am going

"Captain" // Hillsong United

{I've been playing Hillsong United's new album on repeat the past couple of days. So, so good.}

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